I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.



Our Lead Pastors

Don and Jamie have been married for 20 years, and they have two amazing kids: Andrew and Lexi. When God began stirring their hearts to start a new church, it wasn’t long before they realized He had etched the metro area of Indianapolis in their hearts. Jamie grew up in the area, and after years of visiting family back home, it became clear that God had a bigger dream in mind that would involve them moving to Indy and starting Highmark Church. In June of 2018 they moved back to Fishers to pursue that dream and on January 27, 2019 launched service for Highmark Church.

After serving as pastors in the local church together for over 20 years, they are passionate about Highmark Church being a place that will meet people right where they are, and a place where they can experience God’s perfect love and new life in Jesus Christ.

Follow along on Instagram - Don + Jamie


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