This year has been full of challenges. Many have lost work and income, marriages have been strained, families are struggling, and individuals are facing overpowering fear, anxiety, isolation and depression. The emotional and spiritual toll is real. On top of that, our world seems marked by division, racial tension, and political polarization more than ever.

Still, in the midst of all the trials, I want you to know HOPE is still shining through. Jesus sees you and cares for you and He doesn’t want you to stay where you’re at. He is ready and willing to carry you through this season and on the other side you’ll be stronger and full of faith. Jesus is the greatest message of hope and the Church is charged with carrying that message to a hurting and broken world. As much as we can be thankful for technology and digital connections, I’m convinced more than ever that proximity to one another is essential (even if it is ‘social distanced’ and with a mask).

We’re not designed to navigate the challenges of life, faith and our purpose outside the context of a relationship with God and one another.

So, who needs the church? I do, you do, we do, they do, our world does. Don’t lose sight of this though, the church isn’t a building or just a scheduled event in our routine - the Church is people. At Highmark, our mission and calling is helping people find and follow Jesus. We’re here to point people to Jesus and help them discover God’s purpose for their life. We won’t give up, slow down, or drift from the calling God gives us to represent Him to a world in need of healing.

Look at how the early church was described in Acts 2:46-47:

 They worshiped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord's Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity - all the while praising God and enjoying the goodwill of all the people. And each day the Lord added to their fellowship those who were being saved.

What stands out in this scripture is that they were committed to meeting with one another in homes and in the Temple. The Temple would be a place of community and teaching while their homes would be a place of connection and encouragement. Both places had a purpose, both built their faith and deepened their commitment to God and ultimately grew them spiritually and numerically as more people saw and understood the Good News of Jesus.

Our prayer and challenge to you in this relaunch season is two-fold:

  1. Remember God is still at work and he uses us in that work.

  2. Realize that our proximity to God and people shows us His power.

My prayer is one of refocus for all of us. Let us not get distracted, let’s not grow weary (or lazy), or give up - instead, let’s get ready for the powerful things that God has for us ahead!

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Highmark Church